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Welcome! - We could help your Wellbeing, Personal Image, Communications & Income!

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M.V.T Online Video Communication & Branding Tools
  • Webinars
  • Web Shows

  • Web Conferences
  • Video Emails & Sites
  • Live & Recorded Broadcasts
TEN Products & Review
T.E.N nutritional oral Wellbeing Sprays
  • Energy
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Slimming
  • Antioxidants

Why natural, high quality T.E.N Sprays & Drinks? ….Only about 10% ingredients in pills are absorbed by the digestive system! So most is wasted! Pills are not easy, have unnatural fillers & binders - We have a better, more effective way! T.E.N Oral Sprays have around 90% absorption rate (comparable to injections!) – TEN Drinks contain exclusive, natural blends of ingredients our digestive system, gut flora & healthy weight management needs. We have fantastic testimonials of people feeling better, losing weight; gaining energy; mental & physical performance; detoxification, looking younger; improved mood, sleep, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive & body function …including improved blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, allergies, inflammation, pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, digestive issues & deficiencies – Who do you know we can help? - Our tasty, convenient, T.E.N Oral Sprays & Drinks are changing how people take nutritional supplements, gain wellbeing, earn income & gain lifestyle! For more details on TEN Products CLICK HERE!

Why use Video? - 1 minute of video speaks over 1.8 MILLION words?! -  "People buy People" – Video sells - Video engages - Video works! - Video saves time, costs & travelling - Video gets results! - Using video, your business could be 53 more times likely to appear on Google front page .... have visitors stay twice as long on your site ... have posts with 3 times more visitors ...increase click rates, exposure, conversion & brand impact .... "Webconferecing will be an essential business tool" (Forester Research) .... By 2017 90% internet traffic witll be video! - So using personally branded online video, is very important when you communicate with your Clients, Colleagues, Friends & Family - whether it’s for Business, Communications, Marketing, Training, Social, Interests or Entertainment – We have 6 cutting-edge Video Tools, for customized Webinars, Video Emails, Websites, TV Style WebShows, WebConferences & Broadcasts….recorded & live! .. to help you get your message across more effectively & optional income too! For more details on Video Communications CLICK HERE!

'Who is Dr Anita Poole? - Anita has lots of varied work & life experience ... from Medicine  - to Textiles - Venture Capital Executive - Holiday Cottage Business - Teaching - Image Consultancy - Network Marketing - Video Communications - Health Supplements - Mother of 2 - World Travel in over 25 countries & over 30 US states ..... She is very excited to take our wonderful Team Effort Network oral sprays & nutritional drinks; MyVideoTalk online video tools & First Impressions Image Consultancy around the world ..... helping others look, feel & perform better! ...through greater health, wellbeing supplementation, wealth, personal impact & online video tools.


To meet Dr Anita Poole CLICK HERE!


To meet Team Effort International Company CLICK HERE!

Does making a good first impression matter?  Yes! - More than 60% of your valuable impression is made within 60 seconds in your viewers mind, subconsciously & consciously! More than 90% of your impression is from your appearance & body language! Around 10% is by how you communicate (not only words you use, but also your voice & how you use them) ... at work, business, professional, leisure or family & friends – Anita’s Image services include Consultations, Training & Talks on Appearance, Body Language, Communication Skills, Colour, Style, Wardrobe, Shopping, Cosmetics, Grooming, Make Up, Weddings, Interviews, Special Occasions & Etiquette. For more details on Personal Image CLICK HERE!

Dr Anita Poole - Health - Wealth - Video - Image - Network Marketing
Dr Anita Poole
  • Referral Marketing
  • Income Opportunities
  • Personal Image Consultant
  • TEN Health Sprays & Drinks 
  • MVT Video Communcations
Impact, Style & Colour Analysis
Your Personal Impact
  • Etiquette
  • Body Language
  • Special Occasions
  • Personal Shopping
  • Communications Skills
  • Colour & Style Analysis
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WhatsApp: +44 7947 107292
Skype: magnumiq-anita

Mob: + 44 (0) 7947 -107292


Tel UK: + 44 (0) 1242 -677119


USA Phone: + (00)1- 650- 585- 4588

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your own health care professional before taking vitamins, nutritional & dietary supplements, or starting a new regime, especially if you have a disorder, are on medication, pregnant or breast feeding. These supplements should not be used to replace sensible healthy lifestyle principles,

such as healthy eating & drinking, sleep, exercise, relaxation, stress reduction & fresh air.

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