We help you Look, Perform & Earn better!
Dr Anita Poole - Global Success
Independent Representative

Welcome! - We could help your Wellbeing, Personal Image, Communications & Income!
Why natural, high quality T.E.N Sprays & Drinks? ….Only about 10% ingredients in pills are absorbed by the digestive system! So most is wasted! Pills are not easy, have unnatural fillers & binders - We have a better, more effective way! T.E.N Oral Sprays have around 90% absorption rate (comparable to injections!) – TEN Drinks contain exclusive, natural blends of ingredients our digestive system, gut flora & healthy weight management needs. We have fantastic testimonials of people feeling better, losing weight; gaining energy; mental & physical performance; detoxification, looking younger; improved mood, sleep, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive & body function …including improved blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, allergies, inflammation, pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, digestive issues & deficiencies – Who do you know we can help? - Our tasty, convenient, T.E.N Oral Sprays & Drinks are changing how people take nutritional supplements, gain wellbeing, earn income & gain lifestyle! For more details on TEN Products CLICK HERE!
Why use Video? - 1 minute of video speaks over 1.8 MILLION words?! - "People buy People" – Video sells - Video engages - Video works! - Video saves time, costs & travelling - Video gets results! - Using video, your business could be 53 more times likely to appear on Google front page .... have visitors stay twice as long on your site ... have posts with 3 times more visitors ...increase click rates, exposure, conversion & brand impact .... "Webconferecing will be an essential business tool" (Forester Research) .... By 2017 90% internet traffic witll be video! - So using personally branded online video, is very important when you communicate with your Clients, Colleagues, Friends & Family - whether it’s for Business, Communications, Marketing, Training, Social, Interests or Entertainment – We have 6 cutting-edge Video Tools, for customized Webinars, Video Emails, Websites, TV Style WebShows, WebConferences & Broadcasts….recorded & live! .. to help you get your message across more effectively & optional income too! For more details on Video Communications CLICK HERE!
'Who is Dr Anita Poole? - Anita has lots of varied work & life experience ... from Medicine - to Textiles - Venture Capital Executive - Holiday Cottage Business - Teaching - Image Consultancy - Network Marketing - Video Communications - Health Supplements - Mother of 2 - World Travel in over 25 countries & over 30 US states ..... She is very excited to take our wonderful Team Effort Network oral sprays & nutritional drinks; MyVideoTalk online video tools & First Impressions Image Consultancy around the world ..... helping others look, feel & perform better! ...through greater health, wellbeing supplementation, wealth, personal impact & online video tools.
To meet Dr Anita Poole CLICK HERE!
To meet Team Effort International Company CLICK HERE!
Does making a good first impression matter? Yes! - More than 60% of your valuable impression is made within 60 seconds in your viewers mind, subconsciously & consciously! More than 90% of your impression is from your appearance & body language! Around 10% is by how you communicate (not only words you use, but also your voice & how you use them) ... at work, business, professional, leisure or family & friends – Anita’s Image services include Consultations, Training & Talks on Appearance, Body Language, Communication Skills, Colour, Style, Wardrobe, Shopping, Cosmetics, Grooming, Make Up, Weddings, Interviews, Special Occasions & Etiquette. For more details on Personal Image CLICK HERE!